firewall blocking cote request
mushfau opened this issue · 1 comments
mushfau commented
I have two services, API service and CDN service, both running in same AWS EC2,
Cote Version: 0.20.1
Node Version: v8.10.0
API service
const apiService = new cote.Responder({ name: 'API Service'});
apiService.on('CDN_TEST', (req, cb) => {
console.log("CDN_TEST", req)
cb({ success: true, result: "world" })
CDN service
const requester = new cote.Requester({ name: 'CDN Service' });
app.get("/cdn/test", (req, res) => {
const resposeJSON = { success: false, result: [], errors: [] }
requester.send({ type: 'CDN_TEST', data: "helo" }, (response) => {
res.json({ ...resposeJSON, success: true, result: response })
This works fine, as long as the EC2 firewall is off. However, when it's on, cote request fails.
do i need to open a specific port ? or is that even required, if both services are in the same EC2?
dashersw commented
cote starts listening from port 8000, so you might want to open a certain range of ports above 8000.