Performance results:

NOTE: This was conducted by incrementally uncommenting the resolvers and imports from NestjsQueryGraphQLModule in the demo.module.ts file. The data below was gathered by saving to trigger a reload three times and doing a mental average/rounding.

  1. docker-compose up -d (spin up db)
  2. npm run start:dev
  3. Update the demo.module.ts file (noted above) then save to trigger reload
  4. Check the console for the performance load time
Count (Resolvers) Load Time (ms) change (ms)
0 150 -
1 200 50
5 400 200
10 750 350
15 1000 250
20 1200 200
25 1450 250
30 1650 200
35 1850 200
40 2100 250
45 2350 250
50 2600 250
55 2750 150
60 3000 250
65 3300 300
70 3650 350
83 4500 850

Command line script used to generate multiple files

(for i in {0..80..1}
     cat insertion-orders.entity.ts | gsed "s/InsertionOrders/InsertionOrders$i/g" | tee ./insertion-orders.entity$i.ts

Command line script to extract all class names from generated files

find . -name "insertion-orders*" |sort  |while read fname; do
  cat $fname | grep -oE "[[:space:]]InsertionOrders[^[:space:]]+" | >> output.txt

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$ npm install

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


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Nest is MIT licensed.