
Do miniLock encryption operations on a web page of your own.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Get miniLockLib.js and add it to your web page with a script tag:

<script src="miniLockLib.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Or npm install 45678/miniLockLib and require it in your computer program with:

miniLockLib = require('miniLockLib')

Now you are ready to call miniLockLib methods...


Call miniLockLib.makeKeyPair with a secretPhrase and emailAddress to get a pair of keys:

miniLockLib.makeKeyPair(secretPhrase, emailAddress, function(error, keys){
  if (keys) {
    keys.publicKey is instanceof Uint8Array
    keys.secretKey is instanceof Uint8Array
  } else {

Pass data, name, keys and miniLockIDs when you encrypt a file:

  data: instanceof Blob or File,
  name: 'Untitled.txt'
  keys: {publicKey: Uint8Array, secretKey: Uint8Array},
  miniLockIDs: [myID, aliceID, bobbyID, ...]
  callback: function(error, encrypted) {
    if (encrypted) {
      encrypted.data is an instanceof Blob
      encrypted.data.size is the Number of bytes in the Blob
      encrypted.data.type is 'application/minilock'
      encrypted.name is 'Untitled.txt.minilock'
      encrypted.senderID identifies the owner of the keys
    } else {

Pass data and keys when you decrypt a file:

  data: encrypted.data
  keys: {publicKey: Uint8Array, secretKey: Uint8Array},
  callback: function(error, decrypted) {
    if (decrypted) {
      decrypted.data is an instanceof Blob
      encrypted.data.size is the Number of bytes in the Blob
      encrypted.data.type is 'text/plain'
      decrypted.name is 'Untitled.txt'
      decrypted.senderID identifies the owner of the keys
    } else {

Digging In

You will need GNU Make and Node.js on your computer to compile, run and test the code in this project. If you can run make --version and node --version without errors on the command line then you should be all set. If you don’t already have a copy Node.js, we recommend you download the installer for your operating system from the official website.

git clone https://github.com/45678/miniLockLib.git to get the source code.

cd miniLockLib

npm install to download the dependencies defined in package.json.

make to compile CoffeeScript files into ECMAScript files in the library.compiled, tests.compiled and website folders.

make clean to remove all generated files and start over.

npm start to automatically re-compile source files as you make changes.

npm run node.tests to run the test suite in Node.js and see the output on the command line.

npm run window.tests to run the test suite in a web agent window. This command expects a webserver to serve the website/tests.html file from http://localhost:45678/tests.html. The npm run webserver command will start the webserver that you need for this. Or, if you prefer to use another webserver, you can revise the .window_tests_address config file to specify a different address. .window_tests_address is created automatically the first time you run make.

npm test to run node tests and window tests.

npm run webserver to serve the website folder at the address http://localhost:45678.