
new version

basti122303 opened this issue · 18 comments

Added - Thanks for the information - where did you discover the new version?

Those versions seem to be connected to the new NA relais - which somehow the Inverter communicates with the Relais, as far as i was able to gather from a quick search

Added - Thanks for the information - where did you discover the new version?

I was searching for 2.27 to connect the NA relais.
2.27 seems not available anymore. So I just try to download some other version numbers from
In short, try and error.

I found an other one.
for i in {0..99} ; do wget$i.bin ; done

perhaps we can do this by cron or something else.

Good point - i've added a simple script and the found versions :)

Ok i went a bit overboard and we have a ton of newer versions. the 2.27+ versions are most likely the ones needed with the external Relais box - https://stadt-bremerhaven.de/bnetza-genehmigt-deyes-relais-loesung/

I've also read that there's not much of a way back when you are on 2.27 and i wonder what communication is done between the Relais and the Inverter - that will be something fun to look into when i get hands on one of those boxes

Interesting tough that 2.27 isn't available anymore - so my guess is that they just roll out versions until stuff breaks and then pull the version from autoupdate and ship a fixed one.

Changelogs would be such a great thing but then we would most likely see how much stuff might be just done haphazardly

for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 0 11); do echo $i; done
maybe a better way to find versions like 2.04.
i will close the issue for now.

I get it working again. See the link above (german).
I short:
Register 002B was set to 0002 so I reset this to 0001.
I use https://github.com/s10l/deye-logger-at-cmd for that.

./main -t -xmbw 002b0001020001
Change the IP for your needs

Interesting :D thanks for mentioning that.

I think we're clear enough that this repo just mirrors versions and does not take any warranty that this firmware might brick devices. Or would you remove the 2.32 release from the repository?

It depends on, if there is a warning or not.

I'm not shure if it is a general problem with this version or if there is a corner case.
But as I can see I'am not alone.

Now I have the 2.32 back on, and everything works as if it hadn't happened, except for the temperature.

I get it working again. See the link above (german). I short: Register 002B was set to 0002 so I reset this to 0001. I use https://github.com/s10l/deye-logger-at-cmd for that.

./main -t -xmbw 002b0001020001 Change the IP for your needs

that helped me for the same troubles but has to be repeated each day? Or is there some "save" option?

that helped me for the same troubles but has to be repeated each day?

That's the problem. I hope the Relais will fix it.

Is it possible to downgrade the firmware?

You can try it, it does not helped for me.
You will need a NA Relais, I think.

@basti122303: Thanx for this....

I got it working too again. Is there a description of the register?

Found a list with register description... ;-)
002B is the ON / OFF register

Interesting :D thanks for mentioning that.

I think we're clear enough that this repo just mirrors versions and does not take any warranty that this firmware might brick devices. Or would you remove the 2.32 release from the repository?

I think this version should be removed or at least tagged with a warning... I updated to it because I had a weird bug running an older firmware and now the device seems to be bricked.