
File for 800w Version

stilicrafter opened this issue · 10 comments

do you also have the Files for the Deye SUN800G3-EU-230?

Currently i have this version.


Just use the normal firmware. It works for all versions.
Tested this firmware https://github.com/dasrecht/deye-firmware/blob/main/0_D0002_18/MW3_16U_5406_1.57.bin on the same model as yours and it is working.

are you shure? Not that the 800w is after the update limited to 600w?

The firmware only affects the logger part of the Device and not the Microinverter itself. So you should be fine

I ll try and let you know

Has anyone already tried version 1.57PT?

Yesterday my new SUN800G3 has made automatic update from 1.47 to 1.53

Could an update affect the inverter?
Like not detecting 230V reliable?

Should not; there were comments in the forum where with some versions, the inverter didn't come online correctly. Those firmware files here are only targeting the logger part and not the electrical part, as far as we know so far.

I ll return my deye because. I think it had the problems from day 1.
On the first day it didnt produce anything and i didnt understand why.
On second day it produced.
3 day -> Production worked, i initiated the manuel upgrade (device doesnt have internet access, it is only connected by ModBus TCP)
4 day -> Production worked
7 day --> Production worked
8 day --> No Production. If i unplug the mc4 + power, then plug power, wait a few sec and then mc4 it works fine.
9 day --> Works

Also interesting: While on holiday it works for 2 days, then dont for 1 day, again for 1 day, works not for 2.
Like there is a random integrated if it will start or not. While holiday no one unpluged the device.
But like i mentioned, bevor the upgrade it had allready truble to power up. Without touching anything on day 2 it worked.

But no one else had strange behaviour after upgrade, right?


Hi there, no issues with my device running on 1.57
