
Distribute through snapcraft.

SirRujak opened this issue · 4 comments

It would be very useful to have a snapcraft build of dat-desktop as well. I have built a local copy of the current master by adding "snap" to the linux build list. As far as I can tell it appears to be working exactly the same as the deb and npm run versions so I am curious if either the project maintainers would be interested in publishing an official build to the snapcraft store or if there might be interest in a community build.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

@dkastl is also interested on having a better build for linux. #552 is trying to improve the travis build. Maybe you can jump in and review?

Interesting. There are a couple of new distribution platforms these days. There are also https://appimage.org/ and https://flatpak.org/

Now I must say, that I'm not a frequent user of them and prefer mostly Debian packages, but AppImage already gets build: https://github.com/dat-land/dat-desktop/releases

If we would have a significant Linux user base, then I would say we should be supporting other distribution channels as well. But I doubt there are so many, so I would give Snapcraft and Flatpak support a lower priority. Which should not hold anyone back to get involved, send a PR and continue maintaining it!

Sounds reasonable, the main draws for me with snapcraft is that it has a built in revision system for distribution and that most distributions support it now. I'll do some more tests to make sure it is fully functioning as expected then look into how exactly to push the builds directly to the store.

As a side note, I've made a few pull requests for fixing all the warnings I have found, except for the security content one, and I've given #552 a general look over. I still have a bit more to look at but it appears that Travis-CI secret support for windows is the main blocker?

@SirRujak , thanks for looking into this! I haven't really looked into distribution platforms, but most important thing is, that someone feels responsible, if we support a certain platform.

Just at the time, when we tried to review the Travis and Appveyor configuration after the migration to React, Travis announced support for Windows. But it seems it's too early to make use of it.

There were a couple of things already setup on Travis and Appveyor before I joined the project, for example some keys (ie. for Windows builds). They seem to work, but I didn't figure out yet, where they actually came from and how to change them (if necessary).