
Download/Upload checklist

marcchataigner-zz opened this issue · 0 comments

Download/Upload checklist -- Linked with the #597 DAT Desktop v4 concept

The proposed checklist intends to

  • reassure the user that he/she won't download or make available any content that he/she doesn't want to.
  • high-light the 'good practice' in terms of meta-data that would need to be completed

Create a Dat link
(by browsing in your file or drag&dropping a folder)

02 - blankview - insert dat link - dotloom version

03 - browse file - dotloom version copy

03 - create dat link - dotloom version

03 - validate dat folder - dotloom version validate

04 - datview - dotloom version

Fetch data from a Dat link
(by copy-pasting a public key)

02 - blankview - insert dat link - dotloom version

02 - fetch dat - dotloom version

04 - datview - dotloom version