
Using dat as a background process

chekanov opened this issue · 1 comments

I am reporting:

  • feature request
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Dat Version: 14.02

Hello, I've testing "dat

" on Linux. I've installed it using "dat-14.0.2-linux-x64.zip" It works only when the login screen is open. When I exit, it stops serving the files.

I've tried to use "nohup dat

&", but it exits. Is any way to serve the files in background even after I logout from the Linux session?

Try seeting it up as a systemd service.

There's docs on running a persistent service using something like dat-store Do note that dat-store is using newer networking and storage APIs, so if you want it to be compatible with the dat cli, you'll need to downgrade to dat-store@4 rather than dat-store@6