
Errors encountered when running "graph_generation_from_sampled_random_walks. py"

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Hi, when I try to run graph_generation_from_sampled_random_walks. py, I got error as follow. I don't know why such errors occur. They do not occur on bitcoin and ucsocial datasets, but on Wikipedia and Reddit. I want to know how to solve it. Thank you.

D:\anaconda\python.exe` D:/bigexperiment/tigger/

Namespace(config_path='D:/bigexperiment/tigger/wiki/', data_path='D:/bigexperiment/tigger/data/CAW_data/wiki_processed.csv', l_w=10, num_of_sampled_graphs=1, time_window=1, topk_edge_sampling=1)


0 3149480 3149480

Mean length 9.200193047741214 and Std deviation 2.953233186922926


100%|██████████| 2997584/2997584 [35:45<00:00, 1397.42it/s]

1/2Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "D:/bigexperiment/tigger/", line 123, in <module>


  File "D:\bigexperiment\tigger\metrics\", line 469, in sample_adj_graph_topk
    threshold = counts[-1]-1

IndexError: list index out of range``

hey, will it be possible for you to use the ubuntu/Linux system to run as this code is tested on the ubuntu system and it seems that you are using windows based system?

Moreover, for Reddit and wiki, their T is 2.6M(seconds); we have used time_window=3600 during graph generation to allow snapshot metric computation and comparison.

Thanks for your reply, I realized that it may be the error caused by the parameter setting, I will try to make the time_window = 3600, but how did this value get it, I did not find it in readme, can you tell me how the different parameter settings in your experiments on these datasets are, because I have not been able to get the ideal results in your paper.
Also I'll try to run your code on the Ubuntu system. Thanks again for your suggestion