
Figure out a workflow for getting DOIs for regular LibCarp releases {META}

drjwbaker opened this issue · 1 comments

I like the idea of creating (say) an annual release of Library Carpentry, with a DOI, et cetera. And I've used the Zenodo-Github link to do this with projects in the past. Looking at my Zenodo account, I making a release for each lesson so this is possible, though I'd rather do a big bundle per Programming Historian Does anyone have any thoughts on this? What I guess I'm proposing is that we do a "version x" release of all the Github repos combined (in some way..) on a semi-regular basis. This will need to be managed to ensure: 1) it is done at the regular intervals 2) everyone involved in credited correctly 3) the metadata is put somewhere public for reference.

cc @jt14den