
Incorporate real Library examples in text & interactive exercise

ndalyrose opened this issue · 15 comments

Reviewed this lesson today with some colleagues and thinking it could benefit from more concrete/worked out Library examples of regex in action, as well as an interactive exercise option (ie, provide a text file with typical library-style data such as messy catalogue records and guide participants through using various regular expressions to query them).

Agree @ndalyrose. @pitviper6 said pretty much the same thing when she taught this yesterday at our workshop in Boston. Juliane, any thoughts?

@ndalyrose I've assigned this to you as I presume (hope?) the London site will take this on during the spring.

Or the summer, autumn or winter - tee hee - I know you meant the sprint @drjwbaker. Should this issue be moved over to the repo for the sprint or is it enough to have it marked mozsprint here? I just thought other sprinters mightn't find it here despite the label, and some other sprinters might want to do some regex stuff.

Definitely think this should be an issue against or it might get overlooked @ndalyrose @drjwbaker

@weaverbel There are mozsprint flagged issues in more than one lesson repo. Perhaps we can sweep them all towards the sprint repo in our pre-sprint actions?

Maybe it's fine to leave them then @drjwbaker. Pre-sprint, we can do a new issue on the sprint repo that links to all the other issues on all the other repos. That might be simpler.

@weaverbel Agreed.

@ndalyrose So you know, I maintain this lesson with @ccronje. I look forward to working on these examples with you!

Are capturing groups (and global replacement) out of scope for this lesson? A simple example might be to change US dates to rest-of-the-world dates.

I like the sound of that @antonangelo ! Are you able to write it up? Are you joining the sprint, by the way?

I hope so, (just got time off from the boss! :D

Great @antonangelo - be sure to add your details to the etherpad so we have a full list of who's involved.

Refine lesson has something similar, this time on reversing author names (see exercise 10)

@drjwbaker So it does! And that's a good example in a place where you can use it.

I think having a comparable task in the shell lesson is powerful: shows the same thing can be done in different places in different ways.

Parked until after the sprint: others things became great priorities here. If you want it, take it!