
Add link to Library Carpentry on lesson pages

jcoliver opened this issue · 3 comments

In looking over the data intro lesson, I could not find a link to the home page of Library Carpentry ( Perhaps at the bottom of lesson pages, where copyright information is found, the link could be to (most lessons appear to have self-referential links [i.e. Library Carpentry links to whatever the current page is]).

@jcoliver Good catch. Looks like this is a LC wide issue. SWC - eg - has a link to the SWc website in the footer (click the link next to the copyright sign). Given ongoing development to the LC webpage LibraryCarpentry/ should probably deal with this across lessons.

Are you interested in / able to raise PRs across the LC lessons to fix this?

@drjwbaker Sure, I can try to fix it via PRs. But probably not today :)

@jcoliver Thanks Jeff. That is a huge help!