
Proposed learning objective

michielcock opened this issue · 5 comments

After completing this lessons, you can:

  • explain terms, phrases, or ideas around code or software development that you've come across and perhaps feel you should know better
  • explain and use some best practices and generic skills in using computation
  • do searches using regular expressions

Slightly rewording these @michielcock - what do you think?

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

  • understand terms, phrases, and concepts in software development and data science
  • identify and use best practice in data structures
  • use regular expressions in searches

Good. Can someone gh-pages template this repo (sorry, no idea how to do that) so I can start adding in these objectives. Ta!

Hi @drjwbaker gh-pages already done for this repo. From this page:
switch from Branch: master (it's a drop down option just above the list of files) to Branch: gh-pages and voila - the whole structure be there !

Ah. Missed that. Was being thick. Great job.

The learning objectives have been included in #14 #15 #16 - @weaverbel can you please have a look over these and #13 when you get a chance? Wondering if there's more to add post workshop.