
Software and online accounts used in EDCT-GE 2550.


In EDCT-GE 2550 we will be using several online services and software packages to set up a learning analytics system (see the image learning_analytics_diamond.png in this repository for more information). In order to both particpate in the class and collect data from the class all students will need to have operational, up-to-date accounts and installations of these tools.

You will need to make accounts with the following services.

Twitter will be used to:

  • Ask questions about the course
  • Comment on readings
  • In class communication (backchannel) including notifying when a student is not following content:
    • For example, if instructions are unclear or the lecture is difficult to follow tweet #DSE16 #IDKWGO

All tweets need to be tagged with the hashtag #DSE16

Be a good Twitizen, check out this etiquette guide for engaging on Twitter.

Instructions for setup can be found here and here.

You will need to install the following software for EDCT-GE 2550.

Resources: Poulson, B. Up and Running with R. Lynda.com. Section 1 - 2

Connecting Github to RStudio: The Molecular Ecologist and/or RStudio Help

NYU Data Services for R

The file dse-references.rdf contains bibliographic information for all references used this semester.

  1. Download the Tools repository zip file and extract the dse-references.rdf file
  2. Import the dse-references.rdf file into Zotero according to the instructions here.

You will also need to link your Github account to RStudio by following these instructions.