
Blank line if other language present instead of English in Logs

Closed this issue · 4 comments

During the video download, I find that the title of the video has missing context/ words if the words are in different langauge other than English in Logs.

For Example, I have downloaded a K-POP Music Video and some TV Show Video which has korean texts, and the title.extension has only the Numbers and English texts if available in Logs. However, the output file in the download location has the correct texts.

Sounds like an upstream bug. Can you reproduce by running yt-dlp directly in terminal?

Sounds like an upstream bug. Can you reproduce by running yt-dlp directly in terminal?

I think it does have a problem in upstream. it shows the ? symbol, when I copy the content from the cmd to a text editor or anywhere, it does show the exact/ original texts.


youtube-dl-wpf handles everything as UTF-8 encoded. If you write a simple fake yt-dlp that prints emojis, CJK charaters, or whatever valid UTF-8 code points, youtube-dl-wpf will be able to display them.

You should bring this up to the upstream. My guess is this is some weird default behavior of some Python library.

the problem is with the windows cmd which doesn't support the IMEs for Chinese, Japanese and Korean and if needed we need use the new windows terminal. this is answer I got from the yt-dlp issue that I opened above.

I'm closing this issue with this.