
Authenticating with azure clientID and secret does not work for databricks account api

BramWeterings opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to create a metastore with the databricks CLI on my azure environment.
Command databricks metastores create Dataplatform abfss://

Works fine from my local terminal where i login using az login

I try to run it inside a container instance where i login using a clientID and Secret (

This works well for all workspace related stuff, but creating a metastore on the accountlevel does not work. trace export of the command:

" time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.865Z level=TRACE source="config.go 193}" 
msg="Loading config via environment" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.865Z level=TRACE source="config.go 193}" 
msg="Loading config via config-file" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.865Z level=DEBUG source="config_file.go 96}" 
msg="Loading profile profile from /root/.databrickscfg" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.865Z level=TRACE source="auth_default.go 52}" 
msg="Attempting to configure auth: pat" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.866Z level=TRACE source="auth_default.go 52}"
msg="Attempting to configure auth: basic" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.866Z level=TRACE source="auth_default.go 52}"
msg="Attempting to configure auth: oauth-m2m" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.866Z level=TRACE source="auth_default.go 52}" 
msg="Attempting to configure auth: databricks-cli" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.866Z level=TRACE source="auth_default.go 52}" 
msg="Attempting to configure auth: metadata-service" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.866Z level=TRACE source="auth_default.go 52}" 
msg="Attempting to configure auth: azure-msi" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.866Z level=TRACE source="auth_default.go 52}" 
msg="Attempting to configure auth: azure-client-secret" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:48.866Z level=INFO source="auth_azure_client_secret.go 53}" 
msg="Generating AAD token for Service Principal (fab09e2c-f5bd-44a5-8f4e-cfc9f667babe)" sdk=true time=2023-08-31T08:51:49.696Z level=DEBUG source="client.go 264}" 
msg="GET /api/2.0/preview/scim/v2/Me\n< HTTP/2.0 200 OK\n[non-JSON document of 727 bytes]. <!doctype html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"/><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width... (631 more bytes)" sdk=true Error: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value time=2023-08-31T08:51:49.698Z level=ERROR source="root.go 110}" 
msg="failed execution" exit_code=1 error="invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value"

It seems the parsing the return of the token request is not correct.

Wrong repo, reposted it here