
Running pytest with local spark session

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I am trying to run pytest on my local PC, when databricks extension is installed.
I am trying to create local spark session:

def get_spark_session():
    spark = (
        .config("spark.driver.bindAddress", "")
    return spark

def spark_session():
    spark = get_spark_session()
    yield spark

and I get the following error:
RuntimeError: Only remote Spark sessions using Databricks Connect are supported. Could not find connection parameters to start a Spark remote session.

How to solve it? I want to be able to run my pytest when being offline


Hi, this is the same exact issue that we have been struggling with. It seems that installing databricks-connect modifies installed pyspark package and adds throwing this error to the code. I'm also interested in finding a workaround for this because in the current state it basically blocks using Databricks Connect.

Hello I managed to get my local spark session working by the following VSCode command palette


In fact, even uninstalling the extension was not working.