
[Feature] Support ignoring syncing certain paths

mydpy opened this issue · 7 comments

mydpy commented

I'd like to use .gitignore-style syntax to specify which files should not be included in the directory sync (I am using workspace sync in my extension settings).

Context: I have a project with a large dataset of pdf files that I do not ever want to sync to a remote repository. Or if I'm working with a project that generates files I do not want them to be automatically synced to the workspace.

This triggers other errors, including delays executing workloads.

Both local and system-wide .gitignore files should be respected when doing a directory sync.

If you have a .gitignore file but its contents is not respected when doing a sync, could you provide more details about your setup (e.g. which directories you want to ignore, (subset of) `.gitignore contents, their paths, etc).


mydpy commented

I see. I am developing on a large(r) monolith whose file size exceeds the current maximum. In order for me to sync this project using the vscode extension I need to add certain files that I do not want to sync to my .gitignore file. This allows the directory sync to succeed. However, this introduces another issue: I occasionally need to develop in areas of the monolith that I would like to exclude in the directory sync. So I need to remove them from the .gitignore file or add them directly.

If I understand correctly you would need a separate mechanism from .gitignore to control which subtrees are synchronized (e.g. through inclusion/exclusion) so you stay within file size / file count limits.

What limit do you run into specifically?