
[BUG] Unable to sync

drorata opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
I'm unable to run a notebook from a local clone on a running Databricks cluster.

To Reproduce

  1. Start a cluster from Databricks' web
  2. Go to the configuration of Databricks in VScode
  3. Connect to the started cluster
  4. Create a new sync destination
  5. Open a .py and try to Run file as Workflow on Databricks.
  6. Get an error after a few long seconds.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System information:

Help About

Version: 1.78.2 (Universal)
Commit: b3e4e68a0bc097f0ae7907b217c1119af9e03435
Date: 2023-05-10T14:44:45.204Z (1 wk ago)
Electron: 22.5.2
Chromium: 108.0.5359.215
Node.js: 16.17.1
OS: Darwin arm64 22.4.0
Sandboxed: No

Databricks Extension Version: v0.3.13

Databricks Extension Logs

[VSCODE] bricks cli path: /Users/dataria/.vscode/extensions/databricks.databricks-0.3.13-darwin-arm64/bin/bricks
[VSCODE] sync command args: sync,.,/Users/,--watch,--output,json,--log-level,debug,--log-file,stderr
time=2023-05-19T11:01:39.984+02:00 level=INFO source=root.go:40 msg=start version=0.0.31 args="/Users/daxxxx/.vscode/extensions/databricks.databricks-0.3.13-darwin-arm64/bin/bricks, sync, ., /Users/, --watch, --output, json, --log-level, debug, --log-file, stderr"
time=2023-05-19T11:01:39.987+02:00 level=INFO source=auth_default.go:49 msg="Ignoring pat auth, because metadata-service is preferred" sdk=true
time=2023-05-19T11:01:39.987+02:00 level=INFO source=auth_default.go:49 msg="Ignoring basic auth, because metadata-service is preferred" sdk=true
time=2023-05-19T11:01:39.987+02:00 level=INFO source=auth_default.go:49 msg="Ignoring oauth-m2m auth, because metadata-service is preferred" sdk=true
time=2023-05-19T11:01:39.987+02:00 level=INFO source=auth_default.go:49 msg="Ignoring bricks-cli auth, because metadata-service is preferred" sdk=true
time=2023-05-19T11:01:39.991+02:00 level=DEBUG source=auth_metadata_service.go:98 msg="Refreshed access token from local metadata service, which expires on 2023-05-19T11:01:54+02:00" sdk=true

Additional context
FWIW, the file I open is in a clone of a repo that's also cloned in the Databricks' workspace.

Thanks for reporting this error. The logs and screenshots look OK. What error message are you getting?

It looks like this:


for a long time and then at some point I see:


in the Output pan on the right

I also have this issue, the sync was working and then something happened that broke it. I can make new folders or sync locations however when I initiate a sync of the files it fails with the error above.