
[BUG] Unable to sync to existing workspace

SRGAnalytics-MD opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
I'm able to sync to a new workspace, however often after the cluster is shutdown and restarted, I am unable to sync again to that same workspace. As a workaround, I configure a new sync destination. This gets tedious after a couple of times ...

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Sync Destination'
  2. Click on 'Start Synchronisation'
  3. See error in screenshot


System information:

  1. Paste the output ot the Help: About command (CMD-Shift-P).
    Version: 1.78.2 (user setup)
    Commit: b3e4e68a0bc097f0ae7907b217c1119af9e03435
    Date: 2023-05-10T14:39:26.248Z
    Electron: 22.5.2
    Chromium: 108.0.5359.215
    Node.js: 16.17.1
    OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19044
    Sandboxed: Yes

  2. Databricks Extension Version

Databricks Extension Logs
Please attach the databricks extension logs

The logs seem to have a lot of information in them, & it seems it will be visible publicly ..

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Same issue since yesterday/

databricks cli log:
{"level":"info","logger":"DatabricksCLI","message":"Error: Failed to unzip with error: only DEFLATED entries can have EXT descriptor","timestamp":1686325925624}

Actually it happens because I tried to sync a .zip file. After removing it from sync it works

@SRGAnalytics-MD the logs will be really helpful in this case. Can you ping me on linkedin and I can share my email for you to send logs there?

Apologies @kartikgupta-db , I didn't receive notification of your replay.
In one instance I noted the hint on the error to delete .databrics\sync-snapshots and this has overcome any issues. I do have another issue now in that I can't sync at all due to a "context deadline exceeded" error, but will raise another ticket.