- 6
- 1
Is this plugin deprecated?
#48 opened by pleasereachmeoutonmoeinxyz - 3
- 4
Unable to resolve dependency "org.spark-packages" % "sbt-spark-package" % "0.2.2"
#9 opened by ryan-williams - 2
Unresolved dependency: not found
#47 opened by MatthiasRMS - 1
This JAR is hosted on Bintray, which is going down permanently in a few days...
#49 opened by DCameronMauch - 1
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sbt.UpdateConfiguration.copy$default$1()Lscala/Option
#51 opened by LantaoJin - 0
Unresolved dependencies
#46 opened by MatthiasRMS - 1
plugins tries to fetch spark-core 1.4.0 for 2.12
#45 opened by thesamet - 5
Package from spPublishLocal not usable due to scala version appearing in the ivy module name
#17 opened by frensjan - 6
Getting 404 error using sbtPublish.
#31 opened by milinkp - 7
Building packages that support Python 3
#26 opened by nchammas - 0
performing```sbt run``` with spIgnoreProvided := true still issues classpath errors
#43 opened by gregnwosu - 1
- 3
- 1
Support SBT 1.x
#40 opened by metasim - 0
Timeout while publishing
#39 opened by showy - 5
Unresolved dependency commons
#6 opened by rvesse - 0
- 0
- 3
there is no sbt-spark-package:0.2.4/0.2.5, how can i configure the right configuration ?
#30 opened by littleJava - 1
Triggered plugin causes dependency errors
#13 opened by jodersky - 0
This plugin should not be enabled automatically
#27 opened by Atry - 4
sbt-spark-package does not follow redirects
#22 opened by sadikovi - 1
Release 0.2.4 is missing on bintray
#21 opened by cfeduke - 4
How to choose package scope ?
#19 opened by mahmoudhanafy - 9
SBT spDist not creating correct zip file
#18 opened by FRosner - 1
Packaging a multi-module project
#11 opened by anuragkh - 0
build.sbt:17: error: not found: value spName
#8 opened by d1eg0 - 5
Local shared repository
#2 opened by huangjs - 1
Empty error on spPublish
#5 opened by nicolaferraro - 1
name/organization resolution
#1 opened by mengxr