Accessing the ml Spark component (without importing all the mllib stuff)
MrPowers opened this issue · 0 comments
MrPowers commented
I'm using the latest version of the plugin and am able to get access to the ml
package with this line of code:
sparkComponents ++= Seq("sql", "hive", "mllib")
I thought that this would work:
sparkComponents ++= Seq("sql", "hive", "ml")
It seems like this line of code should handle the "ml" argument just fine: { component =>
"org.apache.spark" %% s"spark-$component" % sparkVersion.value % "provided"
Here's the error message I get when I use sparkComponents ++= Seq("sql", "hive", "ml")
: sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: org.apache.spark#spark-ml_2.11;2.1.0: not found
I don't really want to import all the "mllib" code, just the "ml" code. Thanks for the help.