- 6
- 2
Fix project dependencies
#137 opened by MrPowers - 1
- 2
- 9
Build API Documentations
#83 opened by gengliangwang - 2
- 7
Am exploring Pyspark AI ValidationError: 1 validation error for PythonExecutor df instance of DataFrame expected (type=type_error.arbitrary_type; expected_arbitrary_type=DataFrame)
#192 opened by saikumarveera - 0
[Proposal] Issues template
#193 opened by SemyonSinchenko - 1
- 1
The Spark job failed due to a Python worker crashing unexpectedly. The root cause is likely a, indicating an unexpected end of file or communication issue.
#189 opened by sohelaafaq - 3
Bug: "cannot import name 'Row' from 'sqlalchemy'" caused by import of old Langchain package version
#186 opened by Gghaibeh - 1
Create a join method
#185 opened by ericfeunekes - 2
Error while using ChatGooglePalm
#57 opened by kannankvsp - 0
- 1
Resolve deprecated warnings from langchain
#167 opened by gengliangwang - 1
- 4
- 0 Regenerate python code if the generated python code can't be evaluated
#110 opened by gengliangwang - 2
- 3
Introduce new example for UDF generation
#111 opened by gengliangwang - 3
Loading DataFrame from a saved source
#49 opened by simonson-jack - 1
Dataframe from webpage doesn't load entire table
#121 opened by emlyn - 0
Switch from flake8 to ruff for linting
#138 opened by MrPowers - 6
Add end-to-end test for UDF generation
#112 opened by gengliangwang - 3
Demo code has error in DBR 13.2
#118 opened by zhangabner - 1
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str when trying to execute sparkai in databricks
#127 opened by FrancescoRettondini - 1
Support robust code generation with Code Llama
#120 opened by gengliangwang - 0
Add example notebook with Code Llama
#109 opened by gengliangwang - 1
Could not parse LLM output when using GPT3.5-turbo
#105 opened by s4saurabh - 13
- 2
Table name as parameter for function create_df()
#62 opened by neox2811 - 0
- 0
Upgrade langchain
#89 opened by bjornjorgensen - 2
Rate Limit Reached Error
#72 opened by williamdphillips - 1
Setup github action
#69 opened by Pranavchiku - 2
- 2
Can you retrieve the SQL query?
#66 opened by waddahAldrobi - 4
Using PySpark code instead of SQL
#56 opened by grundprinzip - 8
- 4
- 4
- 2
- 5
Uses GPT-4 by default, which may be unavailable
#46 opened by eduardofv - 1
Add an option to pass the model name as string
#52 opened by BelgiAmir - 2
- 0
Signed cache
#37 opened by mengxr