
Grader issue intro to Python edx?

martijnsublime opened this issue · 2 comments

@filipsch given your new role, I assume I can tag you on this. I received two emails by edx regarding intro to python

Could you let me know if these are actual issues or if not? I need to get back to them

  • First screenshot: this is a content problem; the SCT is not properly written (see here). Should not use has_equal_ast so it can allow for multiple arguments, for example by checking on the output immediately.
  • Second screenshot: this is a content problem; the SCT is not properly written (see here). Should not use test_function.head() if other functions should be accepted as well.

Closing here and moving it to

For future issues, I suggest you create the issue on the related course itself, after which the person responsible for maintenance can bump it up if it's an actual issue (I will draft communication guidelines soon to make this clear for everybody and update github issue templates accordingly after checking with nick).