SCT fix, "Manipulating Time Series Data in Python" ch3ex2
klmedeiros opened this issue · 4 comments
I have an SCT in "Manipulating Time Series Data in Python" that is complicated. I've opened an issue on the course repo here:
The provided solution calls for the following piece of code:
# Plot data
data['2010':].plot(title='New York City')
The current SCT was already robust against the different ways you can access the year 2010 in data
(with or without .loc
has_equal_ast(code="data['2010':].plot(title='New York City')",
incorrect_msg="Did you plot the ozone levels since 2010 with the title `'New York City'`?",
has_equal_ast(code="data.loc['2010':].plot(title='New York City')",
incorrect_msg="Did you plot the ozone levels since 2010 with the title `'New York City'`?",
plus an SCT that checks the
However, student feedback indicated we should also accommodate the following solution (a.k.a. the ol' plt.title()
on a separate line):
plt.title('New York City')
I'm struggling with making this test robust, because so far I'm struggling to check this with methods I know (despite it being similar to the one I just asked for help on, I can't seem to get this one. Something about calling one column of the dataframe makes it just different enough that I'm struggling.)
Thanks for your help and let me know if I can provide more information to assist.
@klmedeiros did you already do any work on this on a branch? If yes, please refer to it here as well.
@filipsch I didn't make much headway on this that seemed worth saving. I tried adding on to the current test_or()
statement but it didn't work, so I didn't keep any of it.
@klmedeiros I built an SCT on the SCTs
branch with this commit. Like the previous issue, I added explanations. With the 4-fold test_or at the end, all of the following will be accepted:
# solution (title inside)
data['2010':].plot(title = 'New York City')
# title separate
plt.title('New York City')
# loc, title inside
data.loc['2010':].plot(title = 'New York City')
# loc, title separate
plt.title('New York City')
These are very tricky examples to figure out. It's good to be exposed to these. I'll keep a reference to these exercises to include them as more advanced examples in the pythonwhat docs.
@filipsch Thank you for looking at this and for writing notes in the commit, those are very helpful for me!