
Make printDoubleSize more convenient

fijam opened this issue · 3 comments

fijam commented

I'm a total noob when it comes to c/c++ so bear with me please, but from what I understand oled.printDoubleSize() and oled.printDoubleSizeSmooth() either takes a string from flash with the F macro or needs to be fed byte-by-byte. Would it be possible to make it behave like regular oled.print() so I could easily print a variable? Or perhaps add an example demonstrating the right way to do it?

You are right - there isn't at the moment a way to use it other than directly calling those methods.

I just released v2.2.0 where the printDoubleSize and printDoubleSizeSmooth methods are replaced with setFontX2, setFontX2Smooth, setUnicodeFontX2, and setUnicodeFontX2Smooth so that the full variety of normal print methods can work with double sized text.