
data-diff --dbt BigQuery exception while executing information_schema sql

hamish-turnbull opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
When performing a diff between two BigQuery tables, an exception is occurring when executing the following sql:

DEBUG    Database 'BigQuery(default_schema='dev_schema', _interactive=False, is_closed=False, _dialect=Dialect(_prevent_overflow_when_concat=False), project='dev_db', dataset='dev_schema', _client=< object at    
                  0x10f2e09d0>)' does not allow setting timezone. We recommend making sure it's set to 'UTC'.  
Exception when trying to execute SQL code:                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                      SELECT column_name, data_type, 6 as datetime_precision, 38 as numeric_precision, 9 as numeric_scale FROM `dev_db`.`prod_schema`.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'shadowrun' AND table_schema = 'prod_schema'  
The resulting error of this is 
```Got error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'token_state'
dev_db.prod_schema.shadowrun <> dev_db.dev_schema.shadowrun
New model or no access to prod table.

When I execute this sql myself in BigQuery I get the results I would expect to see based off the query. For some reason the query results is not getting assigned to python object.

Command to generate this:
dbt run --select shadowrun --target dev && data-diff --dbt --debug

data-diff --version

dbt --version
core == 1.6.12 bigquery == 1.6.10

Hi @hamish-turnbull,

Thank you for trying out data-diff and for taking the time to open this issue. We made a hard decision to sunset the data-diff package and won't provide further development or support. Diffing functionality will continue to be available in Datafold Cloud. Feel free to take it for a trial or contact us at if you have any questions.
