Google sheet plugin retrieve column in the wrong order
PGuti opened this issue · 6 comments
First Thank you for this plugin. It is very nice to have.
I'll +1 this one as well. I'm having the same problem with the order of the columns coming in from Google Sheets not showing up in the correct order in Dataiku DSS using this plugin. This can be adjusted but does add an extra step. This is with DSS 5.0.1 and plugin version 0.1.1.
The Python environment is
/Users/MYNAME/Library/DataScienceStudio/dss_home/bin/pip install 'gspread==0.4.0' 'oauth2client>=2.0.0,<2.3.0' 'PyOpenSSL>=0.15.0' 'awesome-slugify>=1.6.5'
DSS is running on a Macintosh 10.13.6
For Column headers, I'm seeing a lot of unexpected changes between what is in the Google Sheet and what eventually shows up in DSS.
Special Characters like ( ) ? seem to be removed. These are very common when using Google Forms to gather participant input.
Also, spaces are being changed to underscore.
Also, characters between square brackets [ ] are being removed with the Square brackets.
This can be worked around by building a script step once the data is in DSS but does take extra effort.
Hi @tgb417,
Thank you for your feedbacks.
About the order of the columns, that's because the plugin does not know in advance the schema of the spreadsheet and the schema is fixed when fetching the data, and the order might not be respected by Dataiku DSS. I could try to improve this but that could make the plugin slower. I will have a look at it.
For the normalization of the columns names, that's intentional. Some databases does not accept special characters (including spaces).
Hi @tgb417, the version 1.0.0 of the plugin fixed this issue. It will be soon published on the plugin store.
Cool. I've downloaded it from the Plug-In Store. Have not gotten a moment to test. Will provide additional feedback if I find anything else. The is so useful to have. Thanks.