
Link Broken: Poster 1057

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I'm the co-author of the Poster - 1057 titled (AxonDeepSeg: Automatic Myelin and Axon Segmentation Using Deep Learning) and trying to access the link as mentioned here. The link seems to be broken. See the screenshot below:

Is there any resolution for the same?

Nope. These were links into the ohbm-hosted poster site unless the authors provided an alternative. We didn't host the posters ourselves.

yes, unfortunately, as @effigies has mentioned we do not host/provide posters. I believe I have an archival copy of them somewhere though, but since "re-sharing" was not explicitly provisioned in terms of upload of posters to OHBM platform, can't reshare.

It might be worthwhile though to direct inquiry to OHBM committee to see if they do/can provide historical copies of the posters -- we could then adjust urls to point to new location(s). Wanna to take the lead on that @vasudev-sharma ?

Thanks @yarikoptic @effigies for the response. I will get in-touch with OHBM commitee for the same and will let you know the reply.

Unfortuantely, that's not possible. Hence, I'm closing the issue.