
Usage for "dynamic" UPDATE queries?

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I understand that this function allows me to write "dynamic" insert queries, given an array of column names and one with the corresponding values:

let query = format(INSERT INTO sometable(%I) VALUES(%L);, arrColumn, arrValue);

However, how can I do the same with an UPDATE query where the syntax uses pairs (... SET column1=value1, column2=value2, ...)?

I'm sure there must be a way but didn't find yet. Thanks in advance for your help.

I used like this

import Format from 'pg-format';

// ...

const sampleObject = {
id: 1,
name: sample,
code: sample_code

let sets = [];

for (let key in sampleObject) {
sets.push(Format('%I = %L', key, sampleObject[key]));

let setStrings = sets.join(',');

const query = Format(UPDATE equipment SET %s WHERE id = %L, setStrings,;
const result = await client.query(query);