
Wrong exception stacktrace sent to Seq

dabide opened this issue · 4 comments

We are experiencing something very strange when logging to Seq: When catching an exception, then logging it, and then rethrowing it, the exception stacktrace seems to be overwritten by a later log statement in an outer try/catch.

This is the code:

    throw new Exception("Why");
catch (Exception e)
    _logger.Error(e, "Something bad happened: {@ImageRequest}", imageRequest);

When logging to the console, this expectedly results in the following:

[15:08:34 ERR] ImageService Something bad happened: {"Id": "e1005724-f7cd-4de1-93ff-54dd5eda11fc", "$type": "ImageRequest"}
System.Exception: Why
   at ImageService.<Get>d__4.MoveNext() in C:\...\ImageService.cs:line 34
[15:08:36 ERR] ServiceStack.ServiceStackHost ServiceBase<TRequest>::Service Exception
System.Exception: Why
   at ImageService.<Get>d__4.MoveNext() in C:\...\ImageService.cs:line 39

However, in Seq, it looks like this:

As you can see, the stacktrace of the former exception is replaced with the latter one. (Notice the line number.)

This looks like the same problem: serilog/serilog#399 (comment)

Thanks for the report and the follow-up info, David. Yes, I think this is an instance of that behaviour.

It's a tricky one - I'm not sure that cost/benefit wise, it's going to make sense to change Serilog's exception capturing to better-support this case.

Addressing it in the sink directly might be a better bet; we could "capture" the stack trace before passing the event through to PeriodicBatchingSink. I'll need to give some thought to how we might do it.

Getting the wrong line number makes debugging much more difficult, so from our perspective, this makes sense cost/benefit wise. :-)

@dabide I think a solution to this needs to be driven from Serilog core, so I've raised an issue over there. Input/ideas/feedback much appreciated :-)
