
Write up some open source copy

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For the About page content, write up a short paragraph about the open source nature of the project.

Here's my stab at a draft:

Just Spaces is open source under the MIT license, which means that the code that powers the site is freely available for all to use without restriction. If you'd like to tinker with the code, or even stand up your own version of Just Spaces, you can fork the repository at and follow the setup instructions in the README. The code for Just Spaces was written by DataMade using a number of other open source tools, including Python, Django, and PostgreSQL.

Thoughts @beamalsky?

Looks great to me! To avoid a fourth use of "code" I'd just change this phrase:

If you'd like to tinker with the code, or even stand up your own version of Just Spaces, you can fork the repository

Once DataMade has a new mission statement we could suggest including that after this paragraph on the About page! In any case some short bio of the company would be nice to accompany this.