
request: upcoming events iCal feed for legislative calendar

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'd love to be able to subscribe to an iCal feed of New York City Council legislative meetings. Further I'd like to be able to subscribe to a per-committee legislative calendar iCal feed. The RSS feeds seem to cover some past events; I want to know when upcoming meetings will be.


Hey @brainwane! Long time no see! Hope all is well with you.

We'll be doing a new chunk of work on NYC Councilmatic in November and December, and an "add to calendar" feature for events is part of our scope. Not sure yet if we'll be offering iCal feeds specifically, but the functionality will be improved over its current state, at the very least. Stay tuned!

@jeancochrane Thanks! Looking forward to learning more - and congrats on the Legistar news. :)