
Error when Running Pipeline using Autoregression

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I created my own pipeline using autoregression in and then ran the pipeline or json file in the When I run the line print (pipeline_result) where pipeline_result = evaluate_pipeline(dataset,pipeline,args.metric), I get the following error:


It says that Step 0 for pipeline failed for the method_called: evaluated. I am not sure the reason for this occurring? I can't see why the pipeline would have an issue with step 0.

I am running this in Python 3.6.15 and tods = 0.02.

The latest version in master branch is supporting Python 3.7+ only. If you want to use Python 3.6, please refer to Python3.6 branch.

I tried the same thing using the Python 3.7.13 and am still getting the same issue as before. I am not sure why this is still occurring? Any suggestions?
