
Always On - Backups on Secondary, fail the check on other replicas

Ant-Green opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug Report

General Troubleshooting steps

  • Verified running the latest release of dbachecks?

Does (Find-Module dbachecks).Version match (Get-Module dbachecks).Version.ToString()


  • Verified errors are not related to permissions?
  • Can duplicate in new/clean PowerShell session (clean = powershell -NoProfile)?

Version Information

  • Operating System (Name|Version):
  • PowerShell Version: <PS5.1>
  • SQL Server (Edition|Version): <2014 EE>

Steps to Reproduce

PLEASE include as much information as possible if this is a bug report.
The more you include the faster we can identify the problem and get it fixed

  • Attach any screenshots (if possible/allowed)
  • Attach output from PowerShell console (if possible/allowed)

Description of Bug

I offload my backups to a secondary replica.

This then makes the backups check on the primary or other secondaries report failure as they don't have records in MSDB.

Expected outcome - as part of an AOAG, check all replicas of the group to see which one has the latest backup information and report success for all replicas when a backup is found within the thresholds