
WARNING: Resulting JSON is truncated as serialization has exceeded the set depth of 3

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I am new to this tool, I did the following today

Install-Module PSFramework
Install-Module dbatools -Force
Install-Module dbachecks

I ran it against 2 SQL servers but got the following

Tests Passed: 297, Failed: 15, Skipped: 306, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0
WARNING: Resulting JSON is truncated as serialization has exceeded the set depth of 3.
[18:31:57][Update-DbcPowerBiDataSource] Wrote results to C:\WINDOWS\temp\dbachecks\dbachecks_1_Default__CIS.json

General Troubleshooting steps

  • [ X] Verified running the latest release of dbachecks?

Does (Find-Module dbachecks).Version match (Get-Module dbachecks).Version.ToString()
Yes , I get 2.0.16

  • [X ] Verified errors are not related to permissions?
  • [ yes] Can duplicate in new/clean PowerShell session (clean = powershell -NoProfile)?

Version Information

  • Operating System (Name|Version): win 10 20H2
  • PowerShell Version: PS 7.2
  • SQL Server (Edition|Version): SQL2K16 Developer

Steps to Reproduce

1 - Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlInstance $SQLInstance –ComputerName $SQLInstance -Tag CIS -Show Summary -PassThru | Update-DbcPowerBiDataSource


Thanks for your help

HI, what should I do please? should I update the file manually, if yes, where I find the file?

Thank you @eliassal - I am just pushing the fix up to the gallery now


For CIS I would always recommend that you store the results in a database ;-)


$Sqlinstance = 'localhost'
Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlInstance $SQLInstance -ComputerName $SQLInstance -Tag InstanceConnection -Show Summary -PassThru  | Convert-DbcResult -Label Beard-Connectivity | Write-DbcTable -SqlInstance localhost -Database tempdb 
Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlInstance $SQLInstance -ComputerName $SQLInstance -Tag CIS -Show Summary -PassThru  | Convert-DbcResult -Label Beard-CIS | Write-DbcTable -SqlInstance localhost -Database tempdb 

Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $Sqlinstance -Database tempdb -Query "Select TOP 10 * FROM CheckResults"

Start-DbcPowerBi -FromDatabase

OK Thanks for the recommandation, so I need to update dbchecks using powershell, is this correct?
For "I would always recommend that you store the results in a database", I set 3 SQL servers and 3 computer name as follows

Set-DbcConfig -Name app.sqlinstance -Value sql2k12, sql2k17, SQL2K12\SC2K12
Set-DbcConfig -Name app.computername -Value sql2k12, sql2k17, SQL2K12

so If I want to execute your statements as follows, how I can tel Invoke-DbcCheck to write to tempdb on only 1 host for the 3 instances?

Update-Module dbachecks

will get the latest version and it is best to use a new PowerShell process once you have updated

Set-DbcConfig -Name app.sqlinstance -Value sql2k12, sql2k17, SQL2K12\SC2K12
Set-DbcConfig -Name app.computername -Value sql2k12, sql2k17, SQL2K12
$checks = 'InstanceConnection','DatabaseExists' # LIst of checks you want
$InstanceToStore = 'HOST/INSTANCE' # the instance that will hold the results
$databaseToStore = 'TheDatabase' # where will results be stored - two tables will be created
$Label = 'Production-CIS' # the label that you wish to give this set of tests

Invoke-DbcCheck -Check $checks | Convert-DbcResult -Label $label | Write-DbcTable -SqlInstance $InstanceToStore -Database $databaseToStore