
Docker image recreation (seems) broken - yarn run build - Failed to compile.

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I tried building the docker and got the error "Failed to compile.". On building on the command line on Ubuntu I get :-

yarn run build
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.

[eslint] Invalid Options:
- Unknown options: extensions, resolvePluginsRelativeTo
- 'extensions' has been removed.
- 'resolvePluginsRelativeTo' has been removed.

The issue seems to be with eslint.

I am surprised that with a yarn.lock that this has broken !

I also had to do :-

sudo npm install -g corepack
corepack enable
yarn set version berry

react-scripts is notoriously bad now most node.js users have moved to things like vite now. I may well do this if there is not an easy obvious fix like a package.json overrides.