i want to create a core api and restreamer ui bundle.
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hello sir, i need help.
i want to create a core api and restreamer ui bundle.
how can i use the modified ui to be like a restreamer bundle that can be run at once?
In your modified clone of the UI repo, build the Docker image, e.g.: docker build -t customui:latest .
Then you clone the github.com/datarhei/restreamer
repo and build the bundle with you modified UI: docker build --build-arg RESTREAMER_UI_IMAGE=customui:latest -t mybundle:latest .
The you can run your own bundle with docker run ... mybundle:latest
I tried to add and modify the core application. But why is it that every time I build the core image the docker code that I have edited is lost?
i have tried this
git clone git@github.com:datarhei/core.git
cd core
docker build -t myappcore .
docker build
-f Dockerfile.bundle
--build-arg CORE_IMAGE=myappcore
--build-arg FFMPEG_IMAGE=datarhei/base:alpine-ffmpeg-latest
-t core-bundle:dev .
The result is that the core code that I have edited is not there. My additional API is not there.
What can I do sir,
Please help inform immediately
thank you