
Certain country code downloads result in pdfs that are actually svgs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
It appears certain US-foo svgs are replicates of the svgs.

To Reproduce

$ git log
commit 28ddbb0a386d408e7c3a60e1959e1b91f94d8362
$ rm svgs/US-Alabama.svg 
$ rm pdfs/US-Alabama.pdf 
$ python ./ download US-Alabama

Download US-Alabama svg complete. Saved to /svgs
Download US-Alabama pdf complete. Saved to /pdfs
$ evince pdfs/US-Alabama.pdf


This works:

$ mv pdfs/US-Alabama.pdf pdfs/US-Alabama.svg
$ firefox pdfs/US-Alabama.svg

This also happens for US-Arizona. Haven't checked them all yet.

Expected behavior
svgs are svgs, pdfs are pdfs.


Desktop (please complete the following information):
arch linux, python 3.8

I created an if check for US-Alabama and US-Arizona and everything else ran so I believe it's just these two.

Hi @jwhendy all should be fixed now. Seemed Alabama and Arizona's SVGs sneaked into the PDF bucket.

Confirming fixed. Thanks for the fast response!