isochrone issue
stefgrs opened this issue · 3 comments
Thanks for creating this!
When I run the isochrone tool with the test origin and destinations dataset, I get the following error:
"Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = encoding, use_iconv = use_iconv, :
Cannot open data source"
Specifically, the command I'm running is:
"isochrone(userdir, otpcon = otpcon, originPoints = originPoints, originPointsRow= 2, destinationPoints = destinationPoints, destinationPointsRow = 2, startDateAndTime = '2019-06-05 17:00:00', modes = 'WALK, TRANSIT', mapOutput = T, isochroneCutOffMax = 90, isochroneCutOffMin = 30, isochroneCutOffStep = 30)"
The graph is working, since I can run the pointToPoint function with the same arguments.
Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
Also, on a separate topic (but it's so minor that it wasn't worth opening a new issue): in the destination.csv dataset provided, I think the column "Name" should be called "name", otherwise it gives the following error when importing: "Error in order(data_points$name) : argument 1 is not a vector".
Hi Stef.
Apologies for the delay in responding.
I've fixed the destination.csv file now in the latest release. Thanks for pointing that out.
I ran "isochrone(userdir, otpcon = otpcon, originPoints = originPoints, originPointsRow= 2, destinationPoints = destinationPoints, destinationPointsRow = 2, startDateAndTime = '2019-06-05 17:00:00', modes = 'WALK, TRANSIT', mapOutput = T, isochroneCutOffMax = 90, isochroneCutOffMin = 30, isochroneCutOffStep = 30)" and it worked ok for me. Can I check if you've specified the OTP graph/router name correct in:
otpcon <- otpConnect(router = "")
No worries at all. Thank you for your help!
I have a slightly non-default name for my OTP graph ("default_wm"), so I set up the connection as:
A) otpcon <- otpConnect(router = "default_wm")
I've also checked what happens when I set it up as
B) otpcon <- otpConnect(router = "")
though, and it gives the same error.
However, when using the function pointToPoint, setting up otpcon as in A works fine, while setting it up as in B gives a different error (perhaps obviously, since "default_wm" is the OTP instance that is running on my computer).
Option A is correct then. Have you loaded the latest version of propeR? (install_github("datasciencecampus/access-to-services/propeR"
). And what happens with the isochrone function if you change originPointsRow