
Add documentation for content updates

Closed this issue · 4 comments

To Do: Add documentation on how to update the website update for content editors (e.g. for both non-technical and technical folks).

  • This documentation could potentially live in the file.
  • The website update process should be as convenient and intuitive as possible.

I need to update with the most recent JEDI Corner, and I will document that process. I hope to do this by the end of the week. I was thinking I might have separate .md files describing in detail how to update the JEDI Corner and the webinars.

I added an upcoming webinar and wrote instructions for how to do this in the I will do the same with new JEDI Corners and past webinars when it comes time to update those.

Note to make sure that alt text and accessibility features are included in documentation

Note to make sure that alt text and accessibility features are included in documentation

This has been added via PR #110.