
Broken image in top left

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It looks like there is a broken image in the top left of the website. The broken image is clearly noticeable in Safari, while in Chrome it can be detected with a mouse over.

Hence, probably either the image link should be fixed, or the image should be removed from the website.

The referenced image is missing from the images folder. I've tried both of the logo files in the images folder, and neither work as a header image (too small, text not legible).

I think we need a logo there, or a website title, as currently there is nothing in the navbar to badge the site as the DataSci JEDI site. If someone is able to send me the source file for the group logo, I could work something up in Photoshop/Illustrator.

Hmm not sure, good question. I was able to use the logo files in the images folder for the favicon.

Perhaps @rycoley or @mine-cetinkaya-rundel might know where the logo's source image files are.

I believe it was meant to show Looks like it's currently going to images/jedi-logo.png which doesn't exist.

I've added the jedi-logo-square image on 94f0df9. If the source file can be located, I can work on versions that fit better with the dark and light site theme.

Thanks Brian!

PS. including a commit hash without backticks will automatically link to the commit.