
Folder for decision protocols

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In English below

Under Glögg-SM 2020 bifalldes "proposition angående bättre protokollrutiner". Se beslutsprotokollet.

Detta innebär att det nu framöver kommer pumpas ut beslutsprotokoll för varje DM och SM. Det jag gör just nu är att ladda upp beslutsprotokoll filerna i yoggi under mappen "protokoll". Men jag kan tänka mig att det med tiden kan bli ganska svårt att hålla reda på allt om man har vanliga diskussions protokoll och beslutsprotokoll i samma mapp.

Alltså undrar jag om man kan skapa en ny mapp i yoggi som heter "beslutsprotokoll", så att man kan separera på dem två typerna av dokument.

During Glögg-SM 2020 the "proposition angående bättre protokollrutiner" was approved Se decisionprotocol.

This means that decsision protocols will be written for each DM and SM. Currently, I upload decision protocols to yoggi under the "protokoll" folder. But I can imagine that, eventually, it will get difficult to keep track of everything if you have regular discussion protocols and decsision protocols in the same folder.

In other words, what I'm asking for here is a new folder in yoggi called "beslutsprotokoll", so that you can seperate the two different types of documents.

I can look into this

Just upload a file like normal, but specify the folder which it should be in. A new folder will be created automatically. Like in the image:

I tested that and it worked great. Thanks!

Don't forget to update this link datasektionen/bawang-content@29b65b0

Yes, I updated that now!