
[TLS-CM] Heartbeat and bastion mount k8s secrets containing TLS CA certs although CertManager is enabled

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Heartbeat and bastion components appear to mount self-signed certs even when deploying in TLS CertManager mode (SelfSigned disabled).

When deploying with the following values

helm --set "secrets='',createCertificates.selfSigned.enabled=false,createCertificates.selfSignedPerComponent.enabled=false" install ...

The command returns:

broker-0 $ env | grep "tlsTrustCertsFilePath"

Hinting that the trustCertsStore is /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt.

However, bastion and heartbeat pods are still mounting a secret and extracting the certs from there.

{{- if .Values.enableTls }}
- name: certs
secretName: {{ .Values.tls.ssCaCert.tlsSecretName | default (.Values.tls.rootCaSecretName | default .Values.tlsSecretName) | quote }}
- key: ca.crt
path: ca.crt
{{- end }}

{{- if .Values.enableTls }}
- name: certs
secretName: {{ .Values.tls.ssCaCert.tlsSecretName | default (.Values.tls.rootCaSecretName | default .Values.tlsSecretName) | quote }}
- key: ca.crt
path: ca.crt
{{- end }}

In this scenario, to my understanding, heartbeat and bastion pods should only use the CM signed certificate: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt, so there is no need to mount external k8s secrets containing self signed TLS certificates.