[BUG]: spot_new_order, test and fills TRUE = column not found.
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Description of the bug
When running the code at spot_new_order, test and fill set to true. The script cannot find a column. Full traceback can be found below.
Traceback found at:
Steps To Reproduce
Spot new order, crashes with these parameters.
order_type = "LIMIT",
symbol = "LTCUSDT",
side = "SELL",
quantity = 1,
price = 67,
time_in_force = "GTC",
test = TRUE,
fills = TRUE
To remove the bug, remove test and fills, as example below:
order_type = "LIMIT",
symbol = "LTCUSDT",
side = "SELL",
quantity = 1,
price = 67,
time_in_force = "GTC"
Additional Information
binance 0.0.5
Hi @nilsps,
I have pushed a fix to GitHub. Please install again using remotes::install_github("datawookie/binance")
Thanks, Andrew.
Creating a new order:
+ order_type = "LIMIT",
+ symbol = "LTCUSDT",
+ side = "SELL",
+ quantity = 1,
+ price = 67,
+ time_in_force = "GTC"
+ )
# A tibble: 1 × 11
symbol order_id transact_time price orig_qty exec_qty status time_in_force type side fills
<chr> <int> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list>
1 LTCUSDT 737199 2022-07-19 14:41 67 1 0 NEW GTC LIMIT SELL <tibble [0 × 0]>
Testing (successful):
> spot_new_order(
+ order_type = "LIMIT",
+ symbol = "LTCUSDT",
+ side = "SELL",
+ quantity = 1,
+ price = 67,
+ time_in_force = "GTC",
+ test = TRUE
+ )
[1] TRUE
Testing (failure):
> spot_new_order(
+ order_type = "LIMIT",
+ symbol = "BOGUS",
+ side = "SELL",
+ quantity = 1,
+ price = 67,
+ time_in_force = "GTC",
+ test = TRUE
+ )
Fixed by 2971213.