
Error in load_datasus

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Apparently the object 'dat' can´t be found.

dat <- param$filenames %>%
      function(file_name, iteration) {
        base::message(paste0("Downloading file ", file_name, " (", iteration, " out of ", length(filenames), ")"))

          source = "datasus",
          dataset = param$dataset,
          skip_rows = param$skip_rows,
          file_name = file_name

  names(dat) <- filenames

The problem in datasus.R code seems to be here:

dat <- param$filenames %>%
      function(file_name, iteration) {
        base::message(paste0("Downloading file ", file_name, " (", iteration, " out of ", length(filenames), ")"))

          source = "datasus",
          dataset = param$dataset,
          skip_rows = param$skip_rows,
          file_name = file_name

  names(dat) <- filenames

I don't understand what the error is when trying to run ``load_datasus(...)`

I tried running load_datasus again using the code:

# download raw data for the year 2010 in the state of AM. 
data <- load_datasus(dataset = "datasus_sim_do",
                     time_period = 2010,
                     states = "AM",
                     raw_data = TRUE)
# download treated data with the number of deaths by cause in AM and PA.
data <- load_datasus(dataset = "datasus_sim_do",
                     time_period = 2010,
                     states = c("AM", "PA"),
                     raw_data = FALSE)
# download treated data with the number of deaths by cause in AM and PA
# keeping all individual variables.
data <- load_datasus(dataset = "datasus_sim_do",
                     time_period = 2010,
                     states = c("AM", "PA"),
                     raw_data = FALSE,
                     keep_all = TRUE)

The same message appears for these 3 chunks of code:

Error in `map2()`:
ℹ In index: 1.
Caused by error in `external_download()`:
! object 'dat' not found
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.
> data <- load_datasus(dataset = "datasus_sim_do",
+                      time_period = 2010,
+                      states = c("AM", "PA"),
+                      raw_data = FALSE,
+                      keep_all = TRUE)