Censo 2000 - Variable v0103 not found (Stata/SE 17.0)
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jpmvbastos commented
Hey all.
I tried importing the 2000 Census data using the following command:
datazoom_censo, years( 2000 ) ufs( RO AC AM RR PA AP TO MA PI CE RN PB PE AL SE BA MG ES RJ SP PR SC RS MS MT GO DF ) original(/Users/joamacha/Desktop/Microdata Censo) saving(/Users/joamacha/Desktop/Microdata Censo) comp pes english
but I am consistently getting the following error:
Tipo(s) de Registro:
/Users/joamacha/Desktop/Microdata Censo
Atenção: utilize os microdados do Censo 2000 atualizados em 08/09/2017
Extraindo 2000 RO - 11 ...
/Users/joamacha/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/d/dict.dta
(file /var/folders/_m/mjfnhj0j1yv4sgprxx5x_l_s_kk5tp/T//S_11956.000001 not found)
v0103 not found
I downloaded the microdata from IBGE's website today (May 9th 2023) and it the website lists the last update as that of (08/09/2017), so I am using the correct data. Does anyone had this issue before? Any fixes?