
The client does API requests when requiring

Closed this issue · 2 comments


We've recently realized that this gem makes an API request when required.

We've realised because on one of our test runs we found an JSON::ParseError because it was trying to parse this:

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              <span class="cf-error-type">Error</span>
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            <span class="inline-block sm:block font-mono text-15 lg:text-sm lg:leading-relaxed">Ray ID: 5e301ddc923dfe38 &bull;</span>
            <span class="inline-block sm:block font-mono text-15 lg:text-sm lg:leading-relaxed">2020-10-16 07:37:48 UTC</span>
            <h2 class="text-gray-600 leading-1.3 text-3xl font-light">Web server is down</h2>
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By checking the code in this repo we found that the issue came from this line:


we think it happens because this call here https://github.com/datocms/ruby-datocms-client/blob/v0.7.10/lib/dato/site/client.rb#L12

performs a request here: https://github.com/datocms/ruby-datocms-client/blob/v0.7.10/lib/dato/api_client.rb#L35-L39

is there any way that this can be avoided? The problems that this can cause on ruby/rails applications are quite big, an extended downtime on dato can cause an application to be literally unbootable as long as this gem is a dependency.

Hey @franciscoj, v0.7.18 postpones the request until you perform your first API call, thanks for reporting!

Thanks a lot for fixing it!