
Sidebar and Navigation issues

Closed this issue · 4 comments


  1. All the buttons on datahub.io/docs redirect to https://datahub.io/@olayway/docs
  2. "Documentation" item appears in the middle of the sidebar, which disrupts the logical flow of the content


Button redirection issue

e.g. Start from the scratch > When I click on Create a dataset from scratch button, it redirects to https://datahub.io/@olayway/docs/Create+a+dataset+from+scratch+and+publish+it+with+Datahub+Cloud when it should redirect to https://datahub.io/docs/Create+a+dataset+from+scratch+and+publish+it+with+Datahub+Cloud.


Additional issue: Once I am redirected, the sidebar does not highlight my current position in the content. Current section should be indicated in orange to reflect the user's location within the docs.


This issue occurs only when redirected from datahub.io/docs to datahub.io/@olayway/docs. The TOC works fine when links are clicked directly within the content.


Documentation position issue in Sidebar

Documentation is positioned in the middle of all tutorials


Expected Behavior

  1. Buttons should redirect to the correct docs page within the same domain (datahub.io)
  2. Sidebar should highlight the current section appropriately
  3. "Documentation" item should be positioned logically within the sidebar, preferably at the beginning, to maintain a coherent structure


All the buttons on datahub.io/docs redirect to https://datahub.io/@olayway/docs

This is because all the links on the README page actually do point to /@olayway/docs. It's not a bug.


<div class="middle-button-container">
    <a href="https://datahub.io/@olayway/docs/Markdown%20syntax%20support" class="middle-button">See supported markdown syntax</a>

I've just fixed them in the repo (also in other files).


This is because the sidebar includes correct links (with /@olayway/ removed), and since you're on a URL with incorrect link, the app can't match these two. Probably there should be a redirect for those special sites, but anyway, this is going to be fixed by the above.

"Documentation" item should be positioned logically within the sidebar, preferably at the beginning, to maintain a coherent structure

As for this one, we have decided to keep alphabetical order of files for now. Before we figure out a better approach, you can just adjust the title of the page you want to show up first, by e.g. adding a special character at the beginning. I've used an arrow for now but you can replace it if you want.
