
Chart name contains spaces

termit-uanic opened this issue · 2 comments

If there are spaces in the title of the diagram, there will be an error


apiVersion: v2
name: Test Chart v2
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
❯ helm datree test ./ -- --values values.yaml --values values-test.yaml --set namespace=test
~/.local/share/helm/plugins/helm-datree/scripts/run.sh: line 34: $tempManifestPath: ambiguous redirect
Error: plugin "datree" exited with error

You should quote the variable $tempManifestPath


helm template "${helm_options[@]}" "$helm_chart_location" > "$tempManifestPath"
$HELM_PLUGIN_DIR/bin/datree "${datree_options[@]}" "$tempManifestPath"

Hastened to send a bug

For future reference if anyone finds it - the reason this is not a bug is because the helm chart name is used as a DNS record and dns disallows spaces(and uppercase letters and underscores). From helm docs